25 Years of PCS

Tuesday, September 8th, marks the 25th Anniversary of Providence Christian School. On a dollar-per-year leased piece of property that at that time was outside the city limits of Dothan, the dream of classical Christian education became a reality in September 1995. The Lord’s faithfulness to our school is evidenced even in the face of current challenges, cementing the values that twenty-five years later continue to remind us daily of God’s provision.
Therefore, in a reflection of First Presbyterian Church-Dothan’s vision in venturing into the world of Christian 1st through 6th-grade education in its initial year in 1995, a review of the school’s mission and vision is warranted.
Providence Christian School was birthed with the name “Providence” by the original board because of the apparent providential hand of the Lord in every detail and resource. The name was already Providence when the Meadow Wood Board granted PCS use of the former Girl Scout camp, which serves as the school campus. God’s evident favor in the timing of the provision of the resources, and the individuals He utilizes, energized those connected with the school in 1995, and that momentum continues in 2020.
Each person that is invested at PCS in 2020 connects to it through a thread of commonality in how they were called here by God. This “thread” that ties us together has multiple layers and is supported on the foundation of the providence of the Lord’s grace and will. The undergirding dynamic of sustaining buy-in is an understanding of the vision and mission. The adhesion created by this understanding is just as vital in 2020 as it was in 1995.
The original school charter declares that PCS is a classical Christian school. We are to be classical in vision and mission, as well as in name. Like 1995, classical Christian education is distinctive in the Wiregrass area as we are the only traditional school (non-homeschool) offering the CCE model.
We are classical in the tradition that believes that there is Truth, and it is knowable. In the face of an educational culture that has embraced relativism, a principle of classical education is that each child is an image-bearer of God and has a rational mind. We believe that all students can be trained to think and to reason when utilizing logic in searching for Truth. These Truths, in application with Biblical Truth, lead to wisdom.
We are Christian in that we recognize that Truth comes from the hand of God, who is the creator of the universe. Unchanging, sovereign, and eternal, God has communicated these things through the revelation of His creation and His Word in a manner that is inerrant and inspired.
PCS Mission Statement: “By God’s grace, we are striving to be a school that impacts the entire family and encourages each student to become all that God calls him to be.”
Our mission goals are to encourage students to 1) a lifelong love of learning, 2) become servant leaders, 3) become principled-thinkers.

Congratulations to all of those who have worked so long and hard to make this happen. Thank you for our Dothan community.
Our family counts ourselves blessed that our children attended PCS. Both say that the classical christian education they received prepared them for higher education as they graduated college & are currently continuing their studies more deeply. PCS continues to be a God-send to our community & our family commits to continue praying for the school & those students that walk the hallsOf PCS. Happy 25th anniversary Providence Christian School!